After a week holiday between christmas and new-year I started working with Brottsjø again. Because all the boat builders are working on Fuglø, our other project (see Fuglø's blog) and we are in the middle of recruiting several new boat builders I spend the last few weeks planning the project. Besides restoring Brottsjø and keeping it as original as possible I also have a goal as a project leader and that is writing a project handbook. Everybody that has worked with projects know that staying within the time and budget constrains is not an easy task and it is no different here in the boat building business. The last 15 years Nordnorsk Fartoyversenter has built up a lot of knowledge, regarding the restoration of boats and more than a dozen boat builders got their education here but like in every company that grows there comes a time that those kind of quality's are not enough if there is a wish to grow. The first person that walked on this earth made a plan on where to go, there is a lot of knowledge gathered since that first attempt on project planning and what I now do is more or less look what we have and what we can use to make it better. If time and money is not a big obstacle you can begin working as a boat builder almost immediately if the boat comes in, you order the wood and nails you think you might need an begin, you know what to do as a craftsman. But when people get sick or that wood is not coming you cannot finish the task that you are doing and have to hop around on the boat to fill the gaps and before you know it the situation has control over you and you are not able to fully utilize your craftsmanship. So you will be too late, the costs will rise and worst of all... the quality of your work deteriorates. So it is very important to plan ahead and have a system that warns when problems might arise. These day that means that you can use specially developed software that can do just that. So the only thing is that you need a lot of time to put in all the data it needs. This last thing is counterintuitive because you want to start working but I know that this is part of the work and an important part, at the end it makes your head clear so you or the ones that are working on the project can do a better job. So the last two weeks I stared at a computer monitor and become a modern boat builder.
Torsdag den 29. oktober 2009 slippsatte Nordnorsk Fartøyvernsenter M/K Brottsjø. Brottsjø var tidligere fiskebåt, og ble bygget for Trygve Nilsen i 1936. Båten eies nå av Nordnorsk Fartøyvernsenter og Båtmuseum. I de kommende år vil Brottsjø gjennomgå total restaurering, og denne vil du kunne følge på her i bloggen. Vi vil prøve å oppdatere bloggen ukentlig med tekst og bilder fra restaureringa. Du vil også kunne lese om teknikker vi bruker, og konstruksjonsløsninger.
Thursday the 29th of October the former fishing boat Brottsjø was put on the slipway at Fartøyvernsenter in Gratangen, Norway. The coming few years she will be totally restored. On this blog I will show on a weekly basis the progress we are making trough text and photographic documentation. Every now and then I delve deeper in to the techniques we use and of the construction methods.
Christiaan van Gaal (Prosjektleder/Project manager)
Uke 8,9,10
After a week holiday between christmas and new-year I started working with Brottsjø again. Because all the boat builders are working on Fuglø, our other project (see Fuglø's blog) and we are in the middle of recruiting several new boat builders I spend the last few weeks planning the project. Besides restoring Brottsjø and keeping it as original as possible I also have a goal as a project leader and that is writing a project handbook. Everybody that has worked with projects know that staying within the time and budget constrains is not an easy task and it is no different here in the boat building business. The last 15 years Nordnorsk Fartoyversenter has built up a lot of knowledge, regarding the restoration of boats and more than a dozen boat builders got their education here but like in every company that grows there comes a time that those kind of quality's are not enough if there is a wish to grow. The first person that walked on this earth made a plan on where to go, there is a lot of knowledge gathered since that first attempt on project planning and what I now do is more or less look what we have and what we can use to make it better. If time and money is not a big obstacle you can begin working as a boat builder almost immediately if the boat comes in, you order the wood and nails you think you might need an begin, you know what to do as a craftsman. But when people get sick or that wood is not coming you cannot finish the task that you are doing and have to hop around on the boat to fill the gaps and before you know it the situation has control over you and you are not able to fully utilize your craftsmanship. So you will be too late, the costs will rise and worst of all... the quality of your work deteriorates. So it is very important to plan ahead and have a system that warns when problems might arise. These day that means that you can use specially developed software that can do just that. So the only thing is that you need a lot of time to put in all the data it needs. This last thing is counterintuitive because you want to start working but I know that this is part of the work and an important part, at the end it makes your head clear so you or the ones that are working on the project can do a better job. So the last two weeks I stared at a computer monitor and become a modern boat builder.
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